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Long live Cancer Patient

 It’s difficult to predict the life expectancy of a particular patient, as the data is different for each cancer and the stages of that cancer, along with the individual’s overall health and the effectiveness of any treatment. Each person is unique in their how they experience cancer and some may live many years after their diagnosis while others will have a shorter life expectancy. However, it’s important to talk with healthcare professionals for an accurate evaluation of an individual’s situation.

Thus, the approach to cancer treatment is often two-fold, taking into account various factors such as cancer type, stage, and overall health.

Surgery, the primary modality for removing cancerous tumors or affected tissue, is most effective for localized cancer and is often used in combination with other treatments to target any remaining cancer cells. Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells or slow their growth. It can be administered orally or intravenously, before or after surgery to shrink tumors or eliminate remaining cancer cells. Though side effects of nausea, hair loss, and fatigue are associated with chemotherapy, technological improvements in medical research have led to more targeted and less toxic therapies. Radiation therapy destroys cancer cells with high-energy radiation beams. X-ray machines and other devices deliver radiation externally, and radioactive implants are internal sources of radiation. Often used in conjunction with surgery and chemotherapy, radiation therapy can be used to treat cancer in many ways and is regularly employed for symptom control and palliation in advanced stages of disease.

Immunotherapy is a state-of-the-art approach that uses the body's own immune system to combat cancer. Through boosting the immune response and/or targeting specific molecules on the surface of cancer cells, these drugs help the immune system better recognize and attack cancer cells. Immunotherapy has demonstrated incredible success in certain cancers, such as melanoma and lung cancer, and remains a very active area of research and development.Targeted therapy refers to drugs that specifically target the abnormality present within each cancer cell, such as a mutation or overactive protein. By interfering with these specific molecules, targeted therapy can block the cancer's growth and spread at a more fundamental level than chemotherapy, but with fewer side effects, because healthy cells are spared.Complementary and alternative therapies including acupuncture, yoga, and dietary supplements are often used in conjunction with conventional cancer treatments, to manage symptoms, alleviate the side effects of treatment, and improve the overall well-being of patients. While these practices can offer distinct benefits in terms of stress reduction and symptom management, it is essential for patients to discuss theirs use with their healthcare providers, to ensure their safety and compatibility with the primary treatment.


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